Oi gamers can we get an F for all the good,bad,boring flash games ,We will miss you flash games your time has came to an end but you will be part of our life regardless if we played flash games when we were children or when we were Adults you will be missed.
As a once wise and big boned man said (big smoke) "same things make us laugh,make us cry"
but there is somewhat hope newgrounds the website that allows many things a portal to many places both Nsfw or sfw but at least they will preserve flash games (Update as of now there is also ruffle thank you GotDamnitWegra ) .I hope those past flash game devs can get a good job or found a way to move on in life sometimes we wonder where they went but its best to not dwell on the past.But in the end We can all come together to enjoy these games,and to wrap this up we will be missing you flash in December so to inspire us all we must start a new trend to REMEMBER FLASH FOREVER WE MUST PLAY FLASH GAMES TILL THE END IT IS NOW "PLAY FLASH GAMES NOVEMBER" WE MUST DO THIS PLAY THE FLASH GAMES I DONT CARE HOW JUST DO IT TILL THE END WE MUST DO THIS IT DOES NOT MATTER IF YOUR A VET OF FLASH OR A NORMIE TO FLASH JUST PLAY AND SAY PFGN thank you for reading my words P.s spam #PFGN on twitter if you can